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The Berkeley Geochronology Center (BGC) is a unique place. It is the only institution in the world that is wholly dedicated to deciphering the history of the Earth and our nearby planetary neighbors. The vast history encompassed by this mission requires diverse tools, and BGC thus houses a singular array of techniques and expertise to place important events into timescales ranging from relatively recent times, i.e., thousands of years ago, to that of the early stages of our Solar System billions of years ago.

Much of our work is focused on fundamental scientific questions such as what caused mass extinctions in the past, when and why massive volcanism occurred on Earth, and what was the history of bombardment of the Earth (and our nearby neighbors like the Moon) by extraterrestrial objects. Better understanding of these phenomena and their possible interrelationships relies to large extent on establishing their timing. Much of our work is also focused on issues relevant to societal concerns such as volcanic and seismic hazards, and global climate change.

Research Areas


Studies focus on the course, timing, and causes of the evolution of humans and their ancestors, principally over the past five million years, in Africa, Indonesia, Europe, and Asia. Additionally, studies include the development of improved laboratory equipment and procedures specific to this time-range and the relevant geological environments. Research in this area generally involves collaboration with anthropologists and archeologists at other institutions and, as such, represents a special case of “collaborative research.”



Studies aim to determine the history of Earth’s climate in terms of quantifiable variables such as oceanic and atmospheric temperatures and precipitation. Included in this area are inquiries into the causes and magnitudes of past climate change, which are critical to establishing a baseline for inference of anthropogenic effects.


Planetary Science

Studies of extraterrestrial bodies are conducted on samples returned from Earth’s moon by astronauts, and as meteorites. Such studies are aimed at deciphering the evolution of other planets and planetary bodies, including their suitability for life and their record of interactions such as asteroid impacts.

Rock Magnetism & Paleomagnetism

Research is aimed at refining knowledge of Earth’s ancient magnetic field, including its inception and evolution. Fossil magnetism is applied to dating and determining past motions of the continents.


Studies are aimed at understanding deformation of Earth’s crust at various spatial and temporal scales, ranging from long-term plate motions to seismic events. Understanding slip rates on major faults, and their implications for seismic risk assessment, are an important component of this research area.

Time Scale

Research focuses on the calibration of the 4.6 billion-year calendar of history of the Earth and Solar System. The geological time scale is based on significant transitions such as evolutionary changes or reversals in polarity of Earth’s magnetic field. These in turn are useful measures of time if their absolute ages can be determined. Research includes laboratory measurements, fieldwork, and theoretical studies aimed at maximizing both accuracy and precision.

BGC is funded by private donations and grants from the National Science Foundation and other agencies. If you are interested in supporting BGC's work click here, or email

Contributions to BGC are tax deductible under section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Service Code.

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